A Healthy Heart …

Heart disease is one of the major causes of death in our society. What if the prevailing theory of the cause of heart disease was wrong, and what if heart disease could easily be both prevented and treated?

Most people, including most medical doctors, associate heart attacks with cholesterol, occlusion of the coronary arteries by plaque and an ensuing lack of oxygen that impairs the functioning of the heart muscle. It’s a widely accepted and rather simple “model” that doesn’t require a deeper understanding of what keeps the heart ticking. Millions of people have been “treated” with medicines and therapies that find their origin in this theory. But what if the model is wrong ?! What if there is a more realistic model that opens the way to successfully dealing with cardiovascular disease ?! And, what if this approach has been proven !! 

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Behind Corona…

There is a new paradigm emerging. It says that there are serious questions about the existence of a thing we are calling “virus”. The argument is that what we see as a virus coming from the outside to infect us is actually an “exosome”, a particle emitted by our own cells in an effort to rid themselves of toxins or to adapt to an environmental stress. 

The whole concept of infectious disease is therefore under serious revision, but for the purpose of this writing I will use the terminology that has been used all during the so-called corona pandemic. Just keep in mind that infection may not be what we have been told it is.  

With all of the apparent insanity of corona related regulations and prohibitions, one might be forgiven to think that the Covid 19 bug is not a virus but something that attacks humans’ brains, something that prevents us from thinking straight. 

Never before has an illness that manifests much like a flu and that, when all the numbers are on the table and cleaned of exaggerations, is no more deadly than our regular winter season of colds and influenza. Never before has such an event been even close to giving justification for closing shops, restaurants and churches, scuttling public events, shutting down travel, or for everyone to stay at home, keep distance from each other and wear face masks, much less the closing of hospitals for everything but essential corona business. This has been a total disruption of the normal functioning of society, justified by what essentially is turning out to be a non-event. 

So what happened?

We all know it started in China, apparently in the now famous city of Wuhan, and that from there, “it” spread around the world. First projections were of great disaster and the public reactions, well rehearsed apparently and directed from the highest health authorities, were harsh and – at the time – almost understandable. 

As time passed and the severity of “it” came into perspective as being much milder than was generally anticipated, the restrictive prohibitions, instead of being lifted as they should have been, were made even more severe. At first, it was supposed to be an attempt to “flatten the curve”, in order to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by all those sick people. It soon became apparent that most hospitals were essentially standing empty, their personnel sent home, and the anticipated wave of sick people never materialized in the way it was predicted except in fictionalized media reports. 

We now have a situation where, although deaths from the virus are approaching essentially zero, police in some countries are ordered to enforce strict curfews and people are chased out of parks and sent home off the beaches, at times arrested and charged or fined – insanity indeed. 

Let us look at some of the background of what appears to be an unmitigated disaster of wrong judgement if not outright misdirected action on the part of government officials.

Continue reading “Behind Corona…”

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone”

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

Incisive research and carefully documented analysis of the impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation by Claire Edwards

By Claire Edwards

Global Research, September 14, 2019

Theme: Environment, Science and Medicine

The entities rolling out 5G are tormenting humanity and sucking their humanity from them by taking their minds and their health, while on the other side, you have the zombie apocalypse of all the people with their 4G cell phones, blindly going about destroying the world.  

The 4G zombie apocalypse lot have to wake up.  They need to wake up now before it is too late and time is of the essence. 


It is time we asked a crucial question. How did we come to be in this 5G mad zone, poised to self-destruct? How on earth did we get here?

It appears that every expansion of the use of electricity since the 19th century correlates with drastic rises in all the modern diseases of civilization,[i] but this information has been kept from the public in order not to impede commercial profit, military expansion and universal convenience.[ii]

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Healing Crisis

Some people around here are complaining of old injuries flaring up and becoming painful again, or of having strange pains that shouldn’t be there.

Someone commented on fb recently that this may have to do with the emanations of cell phone towers combined with morgellons disease, fibres that grow under the skin, and that have been traced to chemicals sprayed in the high atmosphere as part of an unacknowledged government sponsored program to “deal with global warming”. I don’t agree that this is the cause however.

There is something called a healing crisis. People in natural medicine also call it a Herxheimer reaction, after the doctor who first described it. There is a principle in natural medicine that says ”it will get worse before it can get better…”

Natural cures do not suppress symptoms such as pain, they rather promote healing at a deeper level. We get to look at what happened, really experience it, after which it usually vanishes … all of a sudden it’s gone!

So what is happening is that in a time of healing, we start looking at things we managed to suppress before. As these things come into focus, pains, physical or emotional in nature, may appear before the injury is really healed and vanishes for good.

That brings me to a pain I have been feeling recently, which I would like to cite as an example.

My right shoulder, for no apparent good reason, is giving me some pain. Nothing serious, but it has been there, on and off, for a few weeks. The pain reminds me of an injury I had a few years ago, from carelessly overstretching my arm trying to catch a frisbee. I pulled a tendon in my shoulder. The shoulder remained very painful for months before it calmed down. Apparently the injury never healed completely and the pain remained there, in a suppressed state.

It’s getting better now.

I believe we are generally in a time of healing. Don’t be afraid if you feel some unusual pain, or an old injury flaring up again … it’s all part of the deal.

Pains and old injuries will pass, even without intervention from the medical side. One thing you should NOT do is to try and “medicate” the pain away with painkillers. That interrupts the healing process. Try to own the pain, acknowledge it and know it is part of you. In time it will vanish.

I should add that I have found much relief and a source of strength in an old remedy, which I described in a separate article called “Best Flu Remedy and general body cleanout”…

Best Flu Remedy and general body cleanout

If you have the flu or feel a bit ‘under the weather’, this one is for you!

Actually, the flu is an effort your body makes to get rid of accumulated toxins and sometimes, dust or some other kind of pollution you have been breathing in. The flu shot does nothing for you except prevent the body from doing its normal spring cleaning. Here is a wonderful remedy, recommended by a friend and adapted to local conditions, that I have found to be very helpful.


  • some slices of ginger root
  • a stick of cinnamon bark
  • three or four cloves
  • some good spring water
  • juice from half a bitter lime (here it’s called ‘lima azeda’) or a lemon
  • a teaspoon of local honey

Prepare the drink by squeezing the juice of half of a lime (you can also use lemon) into a mug. Add a teaspoon of good local honey (or as close as you can get), cut some slices of ginger root. Heat the ginger root, the cinnamon and the cloves with about a liter of water to a boil, add the liquid to to the lemon juice and honey in your mug, stir and you’re ready to go. Careful, you might have to wait a moment for the drink to cool down a bit.

I have been using this remedy for the past year or two now and it helped me tremendously get over some rough patches in my life. I’m sipping some of it right now…


After this remedy had been available on line for a few months, someone suggested to add a stick of cinnamon bark and three or four cloves to the basic ginger and lemon recipe, to be boiled together with the ginger. It makes the drink taste better and some say the spices add curative power.

I have never felt better and perhaps this drink has something to do with that.