Are humans really at the top of the food chain?

We pride ourselves to be at the top of the food chain … but are we really?

In the animal world, we have the lion who knows he’s the strongest predator and has no equal. Yet, humans hunt the lion with spears, traps and now with guns. We can kill the lion or catch him at our pleasure. In the seas, no fish is more voracious than the shark. Sharks know they are at the top of their food chain. Yet we catch the shark with bait and hook and kill him. Many a shark is caught only to be mutilated. Humans – if we can call them that – cut off the shark’s fins and throw the still living creature back into the sea to die a painful death. The fins are dried and sold for good price as a delicacy.

So humans, we think, must be the most powerful creatures in the world. Even the scriptures tell us that the world is ours to inhabit and control. It is true … if we only look at the physical, the world of animals that surrounds us, we’re hot shit, we’re really in control. But as soon as we consider the spiritual, the picture changes.  Continue reading “Are humans really at the top of the food chain?”

I looked at the world the other day … here is what I found

This was first published in January 2017 as a note on facebook.
To friends and family – here is something I wrote the other day and it is time I got it off my chest …

“Communication is the universal solvent … Love is the glue”

I wanted to tell you all that in the near future I should be out and around in the world, traveling, visiting, doing what I can to unify those who care to travel this new path with me. Details are not really in focus yet, but in general terms, I will be doing what I can to help bring together all the different streams of Life on our wonderful blue planet, so together they might in time form a majestic river…

But first things first – let’s look at the situation we are finding ourselves in.

The current situation on Mother Earth looks rather glum

Access to resources is reserved to a few, wars are waged for profit and for domination, religious and racial hatred is at an all time high, poverty is completely unnecessary … yet it persists, destruction of our natural environment is the order of the day, entire species are on the verge of going extinct, including our own, if we persist down the path we are currently taking … anyway, whatever bad thing you can think of – you name it … it’s happening here! Our problems don’t seem to resolve … actually, they are getting worse and worse as time goes by.

Why is this?

In my view, the destructive trends we witness are carefully calculated and planned.

The objective, it would seem, is to subjugate and eventually wipe out all thinking, free life on earth and for that matter, in the universe.

It might even be that right here, right now, we are living in a place that could be the last bastion of resistance of real life in this whole universe…

Who or what would be pushing such an anti-life agenda?

Let’s just say that the perpetrator I identified when looking more closely and putting it all together is digital. It is synthetic “life” … we call it “artificial intelligence” … which really is a force of death, directly opposed to and intent on wiping out real free Life – human and otherwise – in all its various forms and manifestations.

You might ask: Do we have a chance against such a formidable enemy, such a comprehensive onslaught?

Continue reading “I looked at the world the other day … here is what I found”

Are We Starseeds?

If you’re in for something serious, watch this video but let me give you fair warning. It is a very deep rabbit hole… actually I would say it might be the mother of all rabbit holes. But there is at least some light at the end of the tunnel.

The situation is rather serious and we are still far away from a solution. In as few words as I can say it – the Sun appears to be due to embark on an energetic downturn. Its energy potential as measured by solar wind and sunspots is weakening. It appears that we can expect an ice age, perhaps in as little as 20 or 30 years… maybe 50. This might seem relatively far away for most, but it could happen in our lifetimes. The video I linked here has all the data. It talks about the historical record of the sun’s activity and the indicators that something may be amiss. What then follows further down in the article is my own speculation…

The video presentation is slow and long but more than interesting. Only watch it when you have some time. Rolf Witzsche lays out the sun’s long term cycles and correlates them with the historical record we have on ice ages. He then goes on to explain how we may be on the cusp of another long cold period, an ice age.

Solar activity declining

Right now, meaning within the next few decades, our sun is expected to enter a phase of serious decline in energetic activity. The consequences for humanity are potentially catastrophic.

Unless we can figure out a way – within the next 20 to 30 years – of somehow sustaining or energizing the sun, we might as well prepare for life in the equatorial regions. Ultimately the ice age will not leave much of today’s higher life on the surface.

And yes, this IS something that can happen in our current lifetime…

Continue reading “Are We Starseeds?”

A new Awareness

This is an article I wrote in 1995. The text never made it into my historical website … probably because it was never accepted for publication in print. I am putting it here with slight edits for readability, for record’s sake, a historical document.

I also find that in all these years, What I wrote hasn’t lost any of its relevance. We still need to get our heads out of the sand and start taking over our spaceship earth …


A new Awareness

We become aware of new things. This is nothing strange and happens every day. The process of learning or of acquiring new awareness depends on true information, clearly presented. It is hindered or even prevented by false or incomplete information.

Magazines such as Raum&Zeit favour an increase in awareness because they present information without censoring and in a way that promotes critical thought.

But for the most part what is offered in the mass media, including press, TV and movies, is of a numbing quality. These media are being used as instruments of propaganda. They are filled with false and one-sided information. This of course doesn’t favour free development of opinion and awareness.

Television, with its overbearing way to hammer viewers with images and impressions, without ever giving them the time to critically analyse, is a most potent “environmental poison”. Those falling into tv-dependency show a certain slackness, a loss of ability to critically evaluate. They are smugly satisfied, having found their place in the false reality built and controlled by the tube.

Despite all this, there is a growing number who are becoming more and more aware. Aware in the sense that they do not get put to sleep by the mass media, aware of themselves and of their environment. It is modern now to learn about and to experience spiritual abilities. It is modern to think and act in ecological terms. But is that really enough to bring about a change?

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