In a sense I have become an independent writer, researcher and philosopher of a new paradigm. Born in November 1949 in Ruhpolding, a lovely village in the Bavarian Alps, in Germany, I have lived for now close to 40 years in Rome, Italy and for the last ten years, have been often to “my” island in the Azores, Terceira island, where I dedicate my time to giving life to a lovely space with orchards and a wonderful view of the Atlantic ocean.
My formal education was oriented towards commerce and I am an owner and former administrator of a health related business (import and distribution of healthy nutritional supplements) in Rome, Italy. For a time, I was very active in the european legislative arena with the European Federation of Health Product Manufacturers, a federation of associations in the natural products field, as a representative of Italian associations, both of consumers and manufacturers. After the turn of the millennium, I worked mainly to support consumers in a bid for freedom of choic in matters of health and nutrition.
I speak German, English, Italian, Portuguese and a few words of French and I am what one might call a generalist, as opposed to a specialist. My interests are fairly wide ranging, going from economic issues and natural health to physics, cosmoloty, new energy technologies, space travel, as well as the world of the spirit, the world “beyond the veil”.
My motto is: “Mankind must get ready for a new space age. We have much to learn and must evolve our culture and civilization, if we want to actively participate in the galactic community of sentient beings.”
It is my aspiration to help lead the transition from the current dark ages of damaging technology, potential energy scarcity and widespread mental and even physical enslavement to an enlightened new age of abundance, individual freedom and responsibility.
It would almost seem as if I had been given a mission … to prepare the way for mankind’s peaceful entry into the coming space age.