Viktor Schauberger’s Repulsine

Much has been written about Viktor Schauberger’s Repulsine, an invention that was shelved, and that no one, since that time, has been able to reproduce.

I recently came across a description that reminded me of the research into Schauberger technological developments I did in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The article shows that today, we are no closer to understanding the secret of this particular Schauberger invention than we were back then.

Here is the article and my comments to it.

A BOINC project proposal, analysis of Viktor Shaubergers repulsine A and B

Does anyone know if the Repulsine mod A and B has undergone Computational fluid dynamics simulations to determine the best dimensions for the platters, their spacing, the number of slots and their shape and the shape of the “waves” in the platters, and other
dimensions ?
Has it been studied for the generation of electrostatic fields ?

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The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone”

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

Incisive research and carefully documented analysis of the impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation by Claire Edwards

By Claire Edwards

Global Research, September 14, 2019

Theme: Environment, Science and Medicine

The entities rolling out 5G are tormenting humanity and sucking their humanity from them by taking their minds and their health, while on the other side, you have the zombie apocalypse of all the people with their 4G cell phones, blindly going about destroying the world.  

The 4G zombie apocalypse lot have to wake up.  They need to wake up now before it is too late and time is of the essence. 


It is time we asked a crucial question. How did we come to be in this 5G mad zone, poised to self-destruct? How on earth did we get here?

It appears that every expansion of the use of electricity since the 19th century correlates with drastic rises in all the modern diseases of civilization,[i] but this information has been kept from the public in order not to impede commercial profit, military expansion and universal convenience.[ii]

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Brown’s gas doubles LPG generator fuel efficiency

Brown’s gas is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen obtained from electric disassociation of water into its gaseous components. The gas is also called oxyhydrogen gas. The method of electric disassociation was developed by Yull Brown, an Australian inventor who ended up working with a Chinese company which is currently producing those gas generators.

It appears that using Brown’s gas directly in the air intake of a diesel or LPG powered generator, the efficiency of combustion can be greatly increased, cutting fuel consumption roughly in half. The Brown’s gas generator runs on a small fraction of the electricity produced by the same generator.

The following image is a report from a Japanese company which did a test with a Brown’s gas generator linked to a 10 KW LPG driven electricity generator. Costs per hour of running the generator were cut in half.

More information at

The virus of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is an ability to calculate but it misses morals and it certainly misses the spark of creativity that is characteristic of life.

Machine learning algorithms have given computers the ability to learn from available data, where programming becomes an internal function to the machine. That internal programming function and the language it uses is often incomprehensible to the human programmers.

A link-up of millions if not billions of sources of information in what is called “the internet of things”, would feed the data from all monitoring cameras and sensors to a central artificial intelligence. Some say this will be a boon to mankind and others warn that there are dangers.

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Can we “invent” ourselves out of trouble?

As it is, we are destroying life and leaving our planet in a deplorable state because of our technological choices. 

Whenever a new invention is made that has military potential, it is secreted, kept from civilian use, and pressed into the service of warfare. How many good inventions have gone that way … too many to count. 

Whenever an invention is made that could upset the investment apple cart, the same thing happens with slight variations. Instead of a secrecy order, an invention that would lessen our dependence on hydrocarbon fuels, is bought up by one of the corporations threatened by it, and is shelved never to be seen again. If the inventor does not sell out, he’s bound to meet an untimely death, his family is threatened as well. Happens all the time. 

So practically all of our industry ends up polluting the air, the waters, the earth.

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Bio-compatible 5G

Millimetre wave 5G is harmful to biological life. It kills insects, birds … and makes people sick. A bio-compatible alternative: infrared and visible light for data transmission.

5G is being promoted as the next big thing in mobile phone technology. It is said to be necessary for the construction of the IoT or “Internet of Things”. Dubious technological choices have been made, such as the use of biologically harmful millimetre waves for data transmission.

Are we still in time to re-think this and make the technology bio-compatible?

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I was traveling yesterday…

I was traveling yesterday. To get from Terceira island to Rome, I took an early flight out to Lisbon, and from there on to Rome. Got up at 4:30 in the morning to get to the airport in time. Although unusual for me to get up that early, it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it. The flight itself was a wonderful experience. I had been unable to secure a ticket in economy class, so I put my hand in my pocket (figure of speech, it was all done with plastic money) and spent the money for a flight in business class. It cost me, but I am happy I did.

On both flights I had a row of seats for my self, and excellent service. Thanks TAP staff – you were great and your readiness to help much appreciated. Flying in Business gave me some time to think … time I usually don’t just take out of my day. And so I was daydreaming … imagining what the world will look like a few years hence. I would like to share the vision I had with you.

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What does the future hold in store for humanity?

What does the future hold in store for humanity? – Dreaming the other night I took a gander…

Futurists, the professionals of prediction, are notoriously inaccurate when they seek to describe any scenario located more than just a few years in the future. Perhaps that is because their analyses are projections based on what already is. They cannot calculate the unforeseen, and so they are routinely miles off the mark if predicting even as little as two or three decades ahead. 

Perhaps a dream might do better. 

Note that this is a follow-on to another thing I wrote some time ago. If you haven’t seen that one, you might want to take a look… 

My vision of the future

Here is the direction in which I see humanity developing. By necessity, I can only paint that picture in very broad brush strokes. There are lots of details I can not yet fill in, and much of that will be dreamed up by others, rather than myself. The common effort will be one of co-creation. It is your imagination, as well as mine, that will shape our common future…

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Are humans really at the top of the food chain?

We pride ourselves to be at the top of the food chain … but are we really?

In the animal world, we have the lion who knows he’s the strongest predator and has no equal. Yet, humans hunt the lion with spears, traps and now with guns. We can kill the lion or catch him at our pleasure. In the seas, no fish is more voracious than the shark. Sharks know they are at the top of their food chain. Yet we catch the shark with bait and hook and kill him. Many a shark is caught only to be mutilated. Humans – if we can call them that – cut off the shark’s fins and throw the still living creature back into the sea to die a painful death. The fins are dried and sold for good price as a delicacy.

So humans, we think, must be the most powerful creatures in the world. Even the scriptures tell us that the world is ours to inhabit and control. It is true … if we only look at the physical, the world of animals that surrounds us, we’re hot shit, we’re really in control. But as soon as we consider the spiritual, the picture changes.  Continue reading “Are humans really at the top of the food chain?”